Research Interests

Syntax and morphosyntactic variation
Morphology and morphophonology
Case, agreement, and licensing
Differential Object Marking
Split ergativity
Tense and aspect

Recent Projects

Are there universals of morphology?

To appear, with Philipp Weisser. Minimalism and morphology. For The Cambridge Handbook of the Minimalist Program.

What can allomorphy and infixation (especially their intersections) tell us about the architecture of the grammar?

2023, with Nicholas Rolle. Deconstructing subcategorization: Conditions on insertion vs. position. Linguistic Inquiry 55(1):197-218.

2023. When size matters in infix allomorphy: A unique window into the morphology-phonology interface. For The size of things II, Language Science Press.

2022. Infixes really are (underlyingly) prefixes/suffixes: Evidence from allomorphy on the fine timing of infixation. Language 98(4): 641-682.

2022. Verbal plural allomorphy in Hunzib and its implications for the cyclicity of the morphosyntax-phonology interface. Glossa 7(1):1-25.

2021. On the (non-)transparency of infixes that surface at a morpheme juncture. Handout from a plenary talk at AIMM, Ohio State University. (Manuscript in prep.)

2020. Morphology before phonology: A case study of Turoyo (Neo-Aramaic). Morphology 30:135-184.

2018. Complex verbs and wordhood in Turoyo. Heading in the right direction: Linguistic Treats for Lisa Travis.

2018, with Byron Ahn. What's in a (English) reflexive? NELS 48 Proceedings. (Also available: Handout from NELS 48, University of Iceland.)

What grammatical mechanisms are responsible for Differential Object Marking and the Person Case Constraint?

2019, with Philipp Weisser. Asymmetric Differential Object Marking in coordination: A problem for movement-based approaches. Linguistic Inquiry 50(3): 662-676.

2019. Nominal licensing is driven by valued (phi-)features. GLOW Short Report Proceedings. Nordlyd, 43.1: 15-29. (Also available: Slides from GLOW 40, Leiden University, and a handout from an NYU Syntax Brown Bag talk.)

2018. Licensing and Differential Object Marking: The view from Neo-Aramaic. Syntax 21(2): 112-159.

2017. Dropping the F-bomb: An argument for valued features as derivational time-bombs. NELS 47 Proceedings.

What (and when) are the precise operations that underlie phi-agreement?

2020. Opacity in agreement. In Agree to Agree: Agreement in the Minimalist Programme. Berlin: Language Science Press.

2015. Morphological reversal in Amadiya as late agreement. WCCFL 33 Poster Proceedings.

What is behind aspect (and tense?) splits in case and agreement?

2018, with Ümit Atlamaz. Reanalyzing Indo-Iranian “stems”: A case study of Adıyaman Kurmanji. Tu+ 1 Proceedings. UMass Amherst.

2016. The morphosyntax of aspect stacking in Northeastern Neo-Aramaic. Glossa 1(1):49, 1-39.

2015, with Coppe van Urk. Aspect splits without ergativity: Agreement asymmetries in Neo-Aramaic. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33:659-702

2015. Morphological reversal in Amadiya as late agreement. WCCFL 33 Poster Proceedings.